Chris Codes Apps

Animals Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Animals Game is a nice relaxing linkedmatch game. This game will take your mind off of the stresses inyour life as you meditate on photos of animal life. The first roundgives you plenty of time, but each round after that shortens by 20seconds. You are encouraged to play this game for several roundsbecause meditating on this game will give you a sense of both calmand accomplishment, indeed animal games and animal puzzles areknown to give you the sensation of the release of happy chemicalsin your brain and give you a steady level of satisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow in AnimalsGame takes you to the next round, while the middle button, thearrow that circles around, allows you to repeat a round with thesame amount of time. Occassionally, the pieces of the puzzle willbe configured in such a way that no link matches will manifest,therefore you have the opportunity to use the "Refresh" buttonthree times to change the pieces around and allow you to moveforward. (No obstacles will block your path to victory andaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help along yourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link match thatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connected foryou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to just askfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Animals Game addictive, but I think it's a goodaddiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staring at yourwildlife wallpaper at home, (maybe that which you put up for yourbaby toddler, son or daughter). Or very much like the feeling youget from chocolate or zen meditation.Animal photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons, which is areserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who took thewonderful Icon Photo: "Squirrely the squirrel" by I, ElC. Licensedunder CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons65d0034d2b
Boston Terrier Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Border Collie Game is a nice relaxinglinked match game. This game will take your mind off of thestresses in your life as you meditate on photos of Border Colliedogs. The first round gives you plenty of time, but each roundafter that shortens by 20 seconds. You are encouraged to play thisgame for several rounds because meditating on this game will giveyou a sense of both calm and accomplishment, indeed border colliegames and border collie puzzles are known to give you the sensationof the release of happy chemicals in your brain and give you asteady level of satisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow in BorderCollie Game takes you to the next round, while the middle button,the arrow that circles around, allows you to repeat a round withthe same amount of time. Occassionally, the pieces of the puzzlewill be configured in such a way that no link matches willmanifest, therefore you have the opportunity to use the "Refresh"button three times to change the pieces around and allow you tomove forward. (No obstacles will block your path to victory andaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help along yourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link match thatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connected foryou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to just askfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Border Collie Game addictive, but I think it'sa good addiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staring atyour border collie wallpaper at home. Or very much like the feelingyou get from chocolate or zen meditation.Border collie photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons,which is a reserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who took thewonderful Icon Photo: "Głowa border collie" by Lilly M - za zgodąmojej znajomej - wikipedystki. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 viaWikimedia Commons6a520571ce
Catahoula Leopard Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Catahoula Leopard Game is a nice relaxinglinked match game. This game will take your mind off of thestresses in your life as you meditate on photos of catahoulaleopard dogs. The first round gives you plenty of time, but eachround after that shortens by 20 seconds. You are encouraged to playthis game for several rounds because meditating on this game willgive you a sense of both calm and accomplishment, indeed dogpuzzles and dog games are known to give you the sensation of therelease of happy chemicals in your brain and give you a steadylevel of satisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow in CatahoulaLeopard Game takes you to the next round, while the middle button,the arrow that circles around, allows you to repeat a round withthe same amount of time. Occassionally, the pieces of the puzzlewill be configured in such a way that no link matches willmanifest, therefore you have the opportunity to use the "Refresh"button three times to change the pieces around and allow you tomove forward. (No obstacles will block your path to victory andaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help along yourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link match thatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connected foryou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to just askfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Catahoula Leopard Game addictive, but I thinkit's a good addiction, sort of like the feeling you get whenstaring at your Catahoula Leopard wallpaper at home. Or very muchlike the feeling you get from chocolate or zen meditation.Catahoula Leopard photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons,which is a reserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who took thewonderful Icon Photo:"Catahoula Leopard Dog" by Jon Tidmarsh - originally posted toFlickr as Catahoula Leopard Dog. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 viaWikimedia Commons67a21c28bf
Caveman Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Caveman Game is a nice relaxing linkedmatch game. This game will take your mind off of the stresses inyour life as you meditate on photos of indigenous peoples of yore.The first round gives you plenty of time, but each round after thatshortens by 20 seconds. You are encouraged to play this game forseveral rounds because meditating on this game will give you asense of both calm and accomplishment, indeed caveman art andcaveman puzzles are known to give you the sensation of the releaseof happy chemicals in your brain and give you a steady level ofsatisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow in CavemanGame takes you to the next round, while the middle button, thearrow that circles around, allows you to repeat a round with thesame amount of time. Occassionally, the pieces of the puzzle willbe configured in such a way that no link matches will manifest,therefore you have the opportunity to use the "Refresh" buttonthree times to change the pieces around and allow you to moveforward. (No obstacles will block your path to victory andaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help along yourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link match thatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connected foryou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to just askfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Caveman Game addictive, but I think it's a goodaddiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staring at yourCaveman wallpaper at home. Or very much like the feeling you getfrom chocolate or zen meditation.Caveman photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons, which is areserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who took thewonderful Icon Photo: "Caveman 3" by Margaret A. McIntyre - "Thecave boy of the age of stone"[1]. Licensed under Public Domain viaWikimedia Commons678319aa42
Army Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Army Game is a nice relaxing linked matchgame. This game will take your mind off of the stresses in yourlife as you meditate on photos of soldiers, weapons and war. Thefirst round gives you plenty of time, but each round after thatshortens by 20 seconds. You are encouraged to play this game forseveral rounds because meditating on this game will give you asense of both calm and accomplishment, indeed army puzzles and armygames are known to give you the sensation of the release of happychemicals in your brain and give you a steady level ofsatisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow in Army Gametakes you to the next round, while the middle button, the arrowthat circles around, allows you to repeat a round with the sameamount of time. Occassionally, the pieces of the puzzle will beconfigured in such a way that no link matches will manifest,therefore you have the opportunity to use the "Refresh" buttonthree times to change the pieces around and allow you to moveforward. (No obstacles will block your path to victory andaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help along yourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link match thatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connected foryou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to just askfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Army Game addictive, but I think it's a goodaddiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staring at yourArmy wallpaper at home. Or very much like the feeling you get fromchocolate or zen meditation.Army photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons, which is areserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who took thewonderful Icon Photo:"Army Bayonet Training" by United States Department of Defense -Photo by Department of the Army, May 21, 2007 (transferred fromen-wp to de-wp to Commons). Licensed under Public Domain viaWikimedia Commonsaf4202d72f
Border Collie Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Border Collie Game is a nice relaxinglinked match game. This game will take your mind off of thestresses in your life as you meditate on photos of Border Colliedogs. The first round gives you plenty of time, but each roundafter that shortens by 20 seconds. You are encouraged to play thisgame for several rounds because meditating on this game will giveyou a sense of both calm and accomplishment, indeed border colliegames and border collie puzzles are known to give you the sensationof the release of happy chemicals in your brain and give you asteady level of satisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow in BorderCollie Game takes you to the next round, while the middle button,the arrow that circles around, allows you to repeat a round withthe same amount of time. Occassionally, the pieces of the puzzlewill be configured in such a way that no link matches willmanifest, therefore you have the opportunity to use the "Refresh"button three times to change the pieces around and allow you tomove forward. (No obstacles will block your path to victory andaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help along yourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link match thatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connected foryou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to just askfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Border Collie Game addictive, but I think it'sa good addiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staring atyour border collie wallpaper at home. Or very much like the feelingyou get from chocolate or zen meditation.Border collie photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons,which is a reserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who took thewonderful Icon Photo: "Głowa border collie" by Lilly M - za zgodąmojej znajomej - wikipedystki. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 viaWikimedia Commons250ab4aad1
Zombies Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Zombies Game is a nice relaxinglinkedmatch game. This game will take your mind off of the stressesinyour life as you meditate on photos of the zombie apocalypse.Thefirst round gives you plenty of time, but each round afterthatshortens by 20 seconds. You are encouraged to play this gameforseveral rounds because meditating on this game will give youasense of both calm and accomplishment, indeed zombie puzzlesandzombie games are known to give you the sensation of the releaseofhappy chemicals in your brain and give you a steady levelofsatisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow inZombiesGame free -ly takes you to the next round, while the middlebutton,the arrow that circles around, allows you to repeat a roundwiththe same amount of time. Occassionally, the pieces of thepuzzlewill be configured in such a way that no link matcheswillmanifest, therefore you have the opportunity to use the"Refresh"button three times to change the pieces around and allowyou tomove forward. (No obstacles will block your path to victoryandaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help alongyourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link matchthatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connectedforyou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to justaskfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Zombies Game addictive, but I think it's agoodaddiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staring atyourzombie wallpaper at home. Or very much like the feeling yougetfrom chocolate or zen meditation.Zombie photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons, which isareserve of Creative Commons photos.58f58265be
Staffordshire Terrier Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The American Straffordshire Terrier Game isanice relaxing linked match game. This game will take your mindoffof the stresses in your life as you meditate on photos ofAmericanStraffordshire Terriers. The first round gives you plentyof time,but each round after that shortens by 20 seconds. Youareencouraged to play this game for several rounds becausemeditatingon this game will give you a sense of both calm andaccomplishment,indeed dog games and dog puzzles are known to giveyou thesensation of the release of happy chemicals in your brainand giveyou a steady level of satisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow inAmericanStraffordshire Terrier Game takes you to the next round,while themiddle button, the arrow that circles around, allows youto repeata round with the same amount of time. Occassionally, thepieces ofthe puzzle will be configured in such a way that no linkmatcheswill manifest, therefore you have the opportunity to usethe"Refresh" button three times to change the pieces around andallowyou to move forward. (No obstacles will block your path tovictoryand accomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little helpalongyour journal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link matchthatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connectedforyou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to justaskfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call American Straffordshire Terrier Gameaddictive,but I think it's a good addiction, sort of like thefeeling you getwhen staring at your Straffordshire Terrierwallpaper at home. Orvery much like the feeling you get fromchocolate or zenmeditation.American Terrier photos were collected from WikimediaCommons,which is a reserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who tookthewonderful Icon Photo: "01 American Staffordshire terrier" byStateFarm - Flickr: American Staffordshire terrier. Licensed underCC BY2.0 via Wikimedia Commons16f0109bed
Crocheting Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Crocheting Game is a nice relaxinglinkedmatch game. This game will take your mind off of the stressesinyour life as you meditate on photos of crochet patterns,knittingaccessories, blankets, yarn, crochet clothes and more. Thefirstround gives you plenty of time, but each round after thatshortensby 20 seconds. You are encouraged to play this game forseveralrounds because meditating on this game will give you a senseofboth calm and accomplishment, indeed crocheting gamesandcrocheting puzzles are known to give you the sensation oftherelease of happy chemicals in your brain and give you asteadylevel of satisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow inCrochetingGame takes you to the next round, while the middlebutton, thearrow that circles around, allows you to repeat a roundwith thesame amount of time. Occassionally, the pieces of thepuzzle willbe configured in such a way that no link matches willmanifest,therefore you have the opportunity to use the "Refresh"buttonthree times to change the pieces around and allow you tomoveforward. (No obstacles will block your path to victoryandaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help alongyourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link matchthatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connectedforyou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to justaskfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Crocheting Game addictive, but I think it'sagood addiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staringatyour Crocheting wallpaper at home. Or very much like thefeelingyou get from chocolate or zen meditation.Crocheting photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons, whichisa reserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who tookthewonderful Icon Photo: "William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905)-Young Girl Crocheting (1889)". Licensed under Public DomainviaWikimedia Commons8e80ab411c
Boxer Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Boxer Game is a nice relaxing linkedmatchgame. This game will take your mind off of the stresses inyourlife as you meditate on photos of boxer dogs. The first roundgivesyou plenty of time, but each round after that shortens by20seconds. You are encouraged to play this game for severalroundsbecause meditating on this game will give you a sense of bothcalmand accomplishment, indeed boxer dog games and dog puzzlesareknown to give you the sensation of the release of happychemicalsin your brain and give you a steady level of satisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow in BoxerGamestakes you to the next round, while the middle button, thearrow thatcircles around, allows you to repeat a round with thesame amount oftime. Occassionally, the pieces of the puzzle willbe configured insuch a way that no link matches will manifest,therefore you havethe opportunity to use the "Refresh" buttonthree times to changethe pieces around and allow you to moveforward. (No obstacles willblock your path to victory andaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes youneed a little help along yourjournal. Just hit the "Find" buttonand that link match thatoriginally evaded your initial perceptionwill be connected foryou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes,it's okay to just askfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend oneach other.)Some people call Boxer Game addictive, but I think it's agoodaddiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staring atyourboxer dog wallpaper at home. Or very much like the feeling yougetfrom chocolate or zen meditation.Boxer photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons, which isareserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who tookthewonderful Icon Photo: "Boxer-dog" by Karen Arnold. LicensedunderCC0 via Wikimedia Commons419e9ab8be
Chow Chow Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Chow Chow Game is a nice relaxinglinkedmatch game. This game will take your mind off of the stressesinyour life as you meditate on photos of Chow Chow dogs. Thefirstround gives you plenty of time, but each round after thatshortensby 20 seconds. You are encouraged to play this game forseveralrounds because meditating on this game will give you a senseofboth calm and accomplishment, indeed dog games and dog puzzlesareknown to give you the sensation of the release of happychemicalsin your brain and give you a steady level of satisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow in ChowChowGame takes you to the next round, while the middle button,thearrow that circles around, allows you to repeat a round withthesame amount of time. Occassionally, the pieces of the puzzlewillbe configured in such a way that no link matches willmanifest,therefore you have the opportunity to use the "Refresh"buttonthree times to change the pieces around and allow you tomoveforward. (No obstacles will block your path to victoryandaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help alongyourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link matchthatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connectedforyou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to justaskfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Chow Chow Game addictive, but I think it'sagood addiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staringatyour Chow Chow wallpaper at home. Or very much like the feelingyouget from chocolate or zen meditation.Chow Chow photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons, whichisa reserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who tookthewonderful Icon Photo: "03 Bokeh the Chow" by Luigi Borromeo-Flickr: Bokeh the Chow. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 viaWikimediaCommons607e035e9e
Cairn Terrier Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Cairn Terrier Game is a nicerelaxinglinked match game. This game will take your mind off ofthestresses in your life as you meditate on photos of CairnTerrierdogs. The first round gives you plenty of time, but eachroundafter that shortens by 20 seconds. You are encouraged to playthisgame for several rounds because meditating on this game willgiveyou a sense of both calm and accomplishment, indeed dog puzzlesanddog games are known to give you the sensation of the releaseofhappy chemicals in your brain and give you a steady levelofsatisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow inCairnTerrier Game takes you to the next round, while the middlebutton,the arrow that circles around, allows you to repeat a roundwiththe same amount of time. Occassionally, the pieces of thepuzzlewill be configured in such a way that no link matcheswillmanifest, therefore you have the opportunity to use the"Refresh"button three times to change the pieces around and allowyou tomove forward. (No obstacles will block your path to victoryandaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help alongyourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link matchthatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connectedforyou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to justaskfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Cairn Terrier Game addictive, but I think it'sagood addiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staringatyour Cairn Terrier wallpaper at home. Or very much like thefeelingyou get from chocolate or zen meditation.Cairn Terrier photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons,whichis a reserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who tookthewonderful Icon Photo: "Cairn Terrier portrait" by John -Flickr.Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons22f077ac38
Australian Cattle Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Australian Cattle Dog Game is anicerelaxing linked match game. This game will take your mind offofthe stresses in your life as you meditate on photos ofAustralianBlue Heeler Dogs. The first round gives you plenty oftime, buteach round after that shortens by 20 seconds. You areencouraged toplay this game for several rounds because meditatingon this gamewill give you a sense of both calm and accomplishment,indeed dogpuzzles and dog games, or more specifically Red Heelergames, areknown to give you the sensation of the release of happychemicalsin your brain and give you a steady level of satisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow inAustralianCattle Dog Game takes you to the next round, while themiddlebutton, the arrow that circles around, allows you to repeat aroundwith the same amount of time. Occassionally, the pieces ofthepuzzle will be configured in such a way that no link matcheswillmanifest, therefore you have the opportunity to use the"Refresh"button three times to change the pieces around and allowyou tomove forward. (No obstacles will block your path to victoryandaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help alongyourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link matchthatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connectedforyou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to justaskfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Australian Cattle Dog Game addictive, butIthink it's a good addiction, sort of like the feeling you getwhenstaring at your Australian Cattle Dog wallpaper at home. Orverymuch like the feeling you get from chocolate or zenmeditation.Australian Cattle Dog photos were collected fromWikimediaCommons, which is a reserve of Creative Commonsphotos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who tookthewonderful Icon Photo:"Australian Cattle Dog 2.5" by Christopher - Own work.Licensedunder Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons03d4d76b8c
Candle Making Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Candle Making Game is a nicerelaxinglinked match game. This game will take your mind off ofthestresses in your life as you meditate on photos of candlemakingprocess, candle making at home and candle making kits. Thefirstround gives you plenty of time, but each round after thatshortensby 20 seconds. You are encouraged to play this game forseveralrounds because meditating on this game will give you a senseofboth calm and accomplishment, indeed visual meditation on theactof Candlemaking for fun and engaging in candle making apps isknownto give you the sensation of the release of happy chemicals inyourbrain and give you a steady level of satisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow inCandleMaking Game takes you to the next round, while the middlebutton,the arrow that circles around, allows you to repeat a roundwiththe same amount of time. Occassionally, the pieces of thepuzzlewill be configured in such a way that no link matcheswillmanifest, therefore you have the opportunity to use the"Refresh"button three times to change the pieces around and allowyou tomove forward. (No obstacles will block your path to victoryandaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help alongyourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link matchthatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connectedforyou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to justaskfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Candle Making Game addictive, but I think it'sagood addiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staringatyour Candle Making wallpaper at home. Or very much like thefeelingyou get from chocolate or zen meditation.Candle making photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons,whichis a reserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who tookthewonderful Icon Photo: "Candlemaking, candle molds, pouredcandles"by WillieWax - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 viaWikimediaCommons4451613e4e
Birds Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Birds Game is a nice relaxing linkedmatchgame. This game will take your mind off of the stresses inyourlife as you meditate on photos of Flying birds and otherdelightsof natural aviation. The first round gives you plenty oftime, buteach round after that shortens by 20 seconds. You areencouraged toplay this game for several rounds because meditatingon this gamewill give you a sense of both calm and accomplishment,indeed birdgames and bird puzzles are known to give you thesensation of therelease of happy chemicals in your brain and giveyou a steadylevel of satisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow in BirdsGametakes you to the next round, while the middle button, thearrowthat circles around, allows you to repeat a round with thesameamount of time. Occassionally, the pieces of the puzzle willbeconfigured in such a way that no link matches willmanifest,therefore you have the opportunity to use the "Refresh"buttonthree times to change the pieces around and allow you tomoveforward. (No obstacles will block your path to victoryandaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help alongyourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link matchthatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connectedforyou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to justaskfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Birds Game addictive, but I think it's agoodaddiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staring atyourbird wallpaper at home. Or very much like the feeling you getfromchocolate or zen meditation.Bird photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons, which isareserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who tookthewonderful Icon Photo: "Tauraco hartlaubi-20081223b" by DougJanson.Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons6f2d6e9aee
Cowboy Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Cowboy Game is a nice relaxing linkedmatchgame. This game will take your mind off of the stresses inyour lifeas you meditate on photos of westerns, cowboy hats,lassos and more.The first round gives you plenty of time, but eachround after thatshortens by 20 seconds. You are encouraged to playthis game forseveral rounds because meditating on this game willgive you a senseof both calm and accomplishment, indeed cowboygames and cowboypuzzles are known to give you the sensation of therelease of happychemicals in your brain and give you a steadylevel of satisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow in CowboyGametakes you to the next round, while the middle button, thearrow thatcircles around, allows you to repeat a round with thesame amount oftime. Occassionally, the pieces of the puzzle willbe configured insuch a way that no link matches will manifest,therefore you havethe opportunity to use the "Refresh" buttonthree times to changethe pieces around and allow you to moveforward. (No obstacles willblock your path to victory andaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes youneed a little help along yourjournal. Just hit the "Find" buttonand that link match thatoriginally evaded your initial perceptionwill be connected foryou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes,it's okay to just askfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend oneach other.)Some people call Cowboy Game addictive, but I think it's agoodaddiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staring atyourCowboy wallpaper at home. Or very much like the feeling yougetfrom chocolate or zen meditation.Cowboy photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons, which isareserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who tookthewonderful Icon Photo: "Cowboy sign of the Pioneer Hotel&Gambling Hall" by Rennett Stowe from USA - Cowboy SignUploadedbyArmbrust. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commonsf47b50d2be
Dance Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Dance Game is a nice relaxing linkedmatchgame. This game will take your mind off of the stresses inyourlife as you meditate on photos of dancers, dancecostumes,ballerinas, dance shoes, students in dance academies andmore. Thefirst round gives you plenty of time, but each round afterthatshortens by 20 seconds. You are encouraged to play this gameforseveral rounds because meditating on this game will give youasense of both calm and accomplishment, indeed dance games anddancepuzzles are known to give you the sensation of the release ofhappychemicals in your brain and give you a steady levelofsatisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow in DanceGametakes you to the next round, while the middle button, thearrowthat circles around, allows you to repeat a round with thesameamount of time. Occassionally, the pieces of the puzzle willbeconfigured in such a way that no link matches willmanifest,therefore you have the opportunity to use the "Refresh"buttonthree times to change the pieces around and allow you tomoveforward. (No obstacles will block your path to victoryandaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help alongyourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link matchthatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connectedforyou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to justaskfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Dance Game addictive, but I think it's agoodaddiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staring atyourDance wallpaper at home. Or very much like the feeling you getfromchocolate or zen meditation.Dance photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons, which isareserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who tookthewonderful Icon Photo: "DariaLTapDancing" by Lambtron - Ownwork.Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commonsaa989faf31
Bodybuilders Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Bodybuilders Game is a nice relaxinglinkedmatch game. This game will take your mind off of thestresses inyour life as you meditate on photos of athletes,bodybuildingculture, weightlifting, muscles and everythingassociated withphysical culture. The first round gives you plentyof time, but eachround after that shortens by 20 seconds. You areencouraged to playthis game for several rounds because meditatingon this game willgive you a sense of both calm and accomplishment,indeed bodybuildergames and bodybuilder puzzles are known to giveyou the sensation ofthe release of happy chemicals in your brainand give you a steadylevel of satisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrowinBodybuilders Game takes you to the next round, while themiddlebutton, the arrow that circles around, allows you to repeat aroundwith the same amount of time. Occassionally, the pieces ofthepuzzle will be configured in such a way that no link matcheswillmanifest, therefore you have the opportunity to use the"Refresh"button three times to change the pieces around and allowyou tomove forward. (No obstacles will block your path to victoryandaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help alongyourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link matchthatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connectedforyou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to justaskfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Bodybuilders Game addictive, but I think it'sagood addiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staringatyour bodybuilder wallpaper at home. Or very much like thefeelingyou get from chocolate or zen meditation.Bodybuilding photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons,whichis a reserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who tookthewonderful Icon Photo: "Essa Obaid" by Ali Al-Hadidi - Ownwork.Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons5d5e5834f8
Colors Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Colors Game is a nice relaxing linkedmatchgame. This game will take your mind off of the stresses inyour lifeas you meditate on photos of color charts, color mixingand otherart basics. The first round gives you plenty of time, buteach roundafter that shortens by 20 seconds. You are encouraged toplay thisgame for several rounds because meditating on this gamewill giveyou a sense of both calm and accomplishment, indeed colorgames andcolor puzzles are known to give you the sensation of therelease ofhappy chemicals in your brain and give you a steadylevel ofsatisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow in ColorsGametakes you to the next round, while the middle button, thearrow thatcircles around, allows you to repeat a round with thesame amount oftime. Occassionally, the pieces of the puzzle willbe configured insuch a way that no link matches will manifest,therefore you havethe opportunity to use the "Refresh" buttonthree times to changethe pieces around and allow you to moveforward. (No obstacles willblock your path to victory andaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes youneed a little help along yourjournal. Just hit the "Find" buttonand that link match thatoriginally evaded your initial perceptionwill be connected foryou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes,it's okay to just askfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend oneach other.)Some people call Colors Game addictive, but I think it's agoodaddiction, sort of like the feeling you get when staring atyourColors wallpaper at home. Or very much like the feeling yougetfrom chocolate or zen meditation.Colors photos were collected from Wikimedia Commons, which isareserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who tookthewonderful Icon Photo: "AdditiveColorMixing". Licensed underPublicDomain via Wikimedia Commons5767d6c319
Chinese Shar Pei Game 1.0
Chris Codes
The Chinese Shar Pei Game is a nicerelaxinglinked match game. This game will take your mind off ofthestresses in your life as you meditate on photos of Chiense SharPeidogs. The first round gives you plenty of time, but eachroundafter that shortens by 20 seconds. You are encouraged to playthisgame for several rounds because meditating on this game willgiveyou a sense of both calm and accomplishment, indeed dog puzzlesanddog games are known to give you the sensation of the releaseofhappy chemicals in your brain and give you a steady levelofsatisfaction.The game details are as follows: The forward arrow inChineseShar Pei Game takes you to the next round, while the middlebutton,the arrow that circles around, allows you to repeat a roundwiththe same amount of time. Occassionally, the pieces of thepuzzlewill be configured in such a way that no link matcheswillmanifest, therefore you have the opportunity to use the"Refresh"button three times to change the pieces around and allowyou tomove forward. (No obstacles will block your path to victoryandaccomplishment.) Also, sometimes you need a little help alongyourjournal. Just hit the "Find" button and that link matchthatoriginally evaded your initial perception will be connectedforyou. It's okay, we're all human. (Sometimes, it's okay to justaskfor help. As humans, we're meant to depend on each other.)Some people call Chinese Shar Pei Game addictive, but Ithinkit's a good addiction, sort of like the feeling you getwhenstaring at your Chinese Shar Pei wallpaper at home. Or verymuchlike the feeling you get from chocolate or zen meditation.Chinese Shar Pei photos were collected from WikimediaCommons,which is a reserve of Creative Commons photos.Particular named acknowledgement goes to the person who tookthewonderful Icon Photo: "Shar Pie" by Beverlytaz - Own work.Licensedunder CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commonsb24112054f